Friday, 30 November 2012

Foodie Penpals-guest blog by Lynn

This month my foodie penpal was Lynn from Glasgow. Lynn doesn't have a blog, so here's her post on what I sent (let's hope she liked it..!)

"My Foodie Penpal parcel this month was from Helen, a Northern lass who makes her home in London and writes a most impressive blog--sharing her recipes and reviewing restaurants in London and beyond. Helen not only sent me some of her lovely home baking, but she also gently encouraged me to step ever-so-slightly out of my comfort zone and write a guest post for her.
The first thing I saw when I opened Helen’s parcel, was a container with some of her raw coconut macaroons. Sadly, I have no picture of these to share as they were devoured faster than flash photography can capture! Luckily she was kind enough to include the recipe so I can have a go at making my own version. The second batch of goodies she’d made for me (the recipe for this is on her blog, along with some pictures) were the gorgeous, bouncy wee almond friands which I’d never heard of, but also really enjoyed. Very light and almondy and perfect with a cup of your favourite warm beverage. I’d told Helen that I was a big fan of almonds and her friands delivered just the right almond punch.

Helen had been travelling in Canada this month and was kind enough to share some of her treats from the Land of Mounted Police and grizzly bears with me. These include the tooth-achingly sweet maple fudge and some maple crunch candy made of hard toffee with chocolate drizzled over it and crushed pecans on top.Helen balanced all these sweet treats with some dried mango and a banana bread flavoured nakd bar (which I’m very much looking forward to trying!). She also sent an adorable wee jar of Marion Blackberry Jam---one of my favourites, made all the more special by being just enough for a lip-smacking taste.

Thanks Helen for being a brilliant Foodie Penpal this month and for giving me some space on your blog to share my views!

And thank you Lynn, for writing a brilliant post and being a friendly, chatty penpal too!
If you'd like to join the UK scheme, click on the link on the right of this page and get in touch with the lovely Carol Anne. In the US, the scheme is run by Lindsay, who writes at the Lean Green Bean and is busy being an Elf for Health... Whilst I eat mince pies!

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