Friday, 28 September 2012

My obsession with Fro Yo

My first taste of frozen yoghurt, or Fro Yo as I like to call it, was in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I wanted to shout out to the entirety of Chinatown "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE" although my fear of getting arrested in foreign countries prevented me. The OH and I fought of the creamy, swirly dessert, which we'd topped with goodness knows what. Probably, knowing us, a heap of nuts, something that looks a bit healthy like blueberries and then a shed load of caramel sauce. I blame him. Anyway, when I realised that a sex shop in Islington had been turned into a similar-style fro yo bar I had to check it out. The style of fro yo parlour is important, because it's better to be able to help yourself and pay by weight (although this can be frightening-take a credit card) than to have to ask a server for a flavour and then each item you want to add. I find this way more intimidating, and also am scared to ask for too many things in case they start to wonder why you've bothered to go for the "healthy" option of fro yo when you want to add any combination of: chocolate, chocolate, nuts, syrup, maybe some more, ummm, chocolate...

Samba Swirl is great. It let's you choose what you want, mix up different flavours. You can even have the person at the counter stick your creation in some sort of tardis and swirl it all together. I think the man who set the business up has started to think i'm stalking him on Twitter, so I've stopped asking him for peanut butter-related items now. Sad face.

There's not a lot fro yo can't make better. It tastes bad (as in naughty), but they tell me it's good (ok, so clearly not the bits of flake the I'vegone for in this pic on the right) and almost fat free. Samba Swirl do some great flavours, including Dulce de Lece (Argentinian caramel-lush), Peanut Butter and High Road Chocolate which tastes just about as rich and yummy as it sounds.

Kids love fro yo too, which is a shame because it means I can't get my fix quick enough during school holidays or between about 3.30pm and 5pm when they leave school. Huh.

My advice-get thee to a fro yo bar neat you pronto. But don't get in my way ;)

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